Tuesday, May 26, 2015

While finding out in the rain last week we had some cool experiences! We decided to go knock doors because not many people were out on the street. However, even knocking on doors, we weren't seeing much success. While we were walking out of a tsuen we had just finished in, we ran into a man on the street and started talking with him! He went to school over in the UK so he mostly used English. At first, he didn't seem to have much interest but that doesn't stop us! We shared some points on the restoration and he felt something in his heart and admitted he actually was starting to have some interest! Power of the Restoration!!  Another example.  A couple days prior to the experience mentioned above, we were walking and saw a father pushing a stroller with a little kid. We went over and talked to him.  Again, like the other man, he didn't have much interest and he said he needed to go. I had the distinct feeling to share Joseph Smith's own words.  In the short time we had, the spirit was felt and we were then able to exchange numbers. Last example.  Last night we met with a man named A Wah. He has no background whatsoever. Sharing the Restoration with him seemed to spark something within. He didn't mention anything particular but I could see it in his eyes.  There is definitely a reason that Preach my Gospel teaches to tie things back to the Restoration!
'Til next week!
 Love, Elder Cederlof