Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We were reading through Preach my Gospel and trying to find some ways to change up our finding. Normally when finding, we start conversations by saying hello or how are you. Reading through Preach my Gospel, made me think, hey instead of starting with the things that most salesman start with, let's go straight into testimony! At first it felt a little weird to not necessarily even start with a "hello" but literally go straight into testimony and teaching. But I do feel that it has brought a difference. There is a difference in the people we talk to but also in myself. I find it more refreshing. For example, normally trying to stop 10 people, you then get the opportunity to share testimony with 5 of them.  The others walk away before getting the opportunity. However, when the first things we share with them is our testimony, we then get the opportunity to share with 10/10 people. It has personally given me even more energy, cause as we all know, sharing our testimony brings energy!
It has been an awesome opportunity to be district leader over here! Our district is really developing strong unity! One thing that I believe has made a big difference is that we are praying for each other and our investigators! At district meeting we write a list on the board of the investigators that we will all be praying for that week! 
My testimony and gratitude have continued to grow, especially towards the Plan of Salvation and the knowledge that God truly does have a plan for me. Outside of just being one big plan for all of mankind, it is also a plan, specifically for me. I have found evidences of that truth all around me. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but it is a discovery I made within the last couple weeks upon pondering this subject of God's plan for me. In the first couple moves of my mission I remember saying that I wanted to have the opportunity to be a part of opening up a new area/ward. I also wanted to be up as close to mainland as possible. While pondering over my mission experience, that memory was brought back to me; a humbling moment. God is the creator of this great and marvelous plan for me!
Til next week,
Love, Elder Cederlof

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